Friday, January 7, 2011

Fridge Friends

John 2:1-12
Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding. There is no doubt that Jesus from the moment he was born had his face set toward the cross. He knew why he had come. He knew had a short time on earth, yet he took the time to enjoy people. I imagine him laughing and visiting with friends. I read something by Max Lucado years ago that talked about this. He enjoyed people, they enjoyed him.

Community is important! We have many goals and purposes in our life, but what do they really mean if we don't take time to form relationships and enjoy friendships along the way. I heard someone say recently that Americans today have a great lack of "refrigerator friends".

Can you say that you know some friends well enough that you could walk into their homes, open up the fridge and get something out?

Those people are your "fridge friends"!

We need friends like that. Why? Fridge friends become people we love and trust. We can share our hearts with them. They will laugh with you when you need a good laugh and cry with you when you need a good cry. We weren't meant to just curl up inside our homes or to run around caught up in busy routines, we are built for more.

Jesus enjoyed celebrating with others. He also wept with friends when a dear friend of his died. We are meant to go through life together.

So what do you do if you don't have these kinds of relationships?

1) Begin with prayer. (when people had a need at the wedding they went straight to Jesus) Ask God to give you the kind of friendships that will benefit you and draw you closer to him.

2) Be discerning. Not everyone gets the right to be your fridge friend! You will become most like the people you spend time with. Ask yourself: Is this person trustworthy? Does this person love God? How does this person talk about others?

Please develop us into the the kind of people who will be great fridge friends to others. Guide us in our friendships. Teach us how to be friends to others and help us to be discerning and wise in our friendships. Help us to love at the right time, in the right way, with the right person. Thank you being our friend Jesus. Help to know you so well that you are invited into every part of our home. Amen

Let's celebrate friendship today! Comment and tell us:

The names of a friend or two and what you love about them.

It's a love fest people!!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's in a Name?

I'm curious.

What does your name mean?

Have you ever thought about that?

I recently remembered the meaning of my name. It is April (Open). My middle name is Dawn (makes me think of the beginning of a new day). I am "open" to a "new day". That is what I hope to be always. Open to hope. Open to God. Open to new possibilities. Open to live life instead of hiding away in the shadows. I want to come out into the light. To enjoy the new beginning with each change that comes in my life because I know that God is beginning something in me.

We are given many names in this world. From the time we are born it seems, we are labeled by others.

If you could pick a few of the labels that have really "stuck", what would they be?

Do they build you up?

Do they tear you down?

What do you call yourself?

I don't know the answers to these questions, but God does. What he calls you is the ONLY thing THAT matters.

I am reading through the book of John and blogging as I go. I want to invite you along on this journey. Pop in from time to time or stop in and visit often. Share comments and questions, so we can enjoy each other as we go. I am not a theologian nor do I claim to be. I just want to know God's word in a way that changes me. I pray the same for you as well.

Some thoughts from part of John 1:

Simon went off to follow Jesus. He was curious. His brother, Andrew, had come and said, "You have got to see this! The messiah is here!" Now here he was following, wondering. He had waited all his life to see the king, generations before him had also waited, now here he was!
What is the first thing Jesus said to Simon? "You are Simon, son of John, you will be called Cephas. (when translated, Peter)" John 1:41

No, hey Simon, how you doing?

No, yes I am the one you have been waiting for.

Jesus changed his name.

Instead he looked Simon in the eye and basically said, "you are no longer the person you were before". Simon meant "God has heard". Peter means "Rock". I am finding that each day as I become more open to God, I am no longer the person I was before. I am changing. I CAN NOT read his word. I CAN NOT seek him with a sincere heart and remain unchanged.

So friends, now it is your turn!

What does your name mean?

If you have children, what do their names mean?

Why did you choose your child's name?

*Optional challenge: Look up a name change or two in the bible and share them with us or look up the meaning of a name.

feel free to share whatever you would like as you read this

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I wonder

I wonder...when I ride in the passenger seat on a road trip...I see faces...they pass me in a blur as they drive their cars down the road. Where are they headed? Where have they come from? What is their story? I don't know why this seems important to me. It just is. Everyone has a story to tell. Every story is important. We need to hear each others stories. They have much to teach us. We have a lot to learn. Instead we just pass each other as we run through busy days becoming blurs in the peripheral vision of others. I need to know your story. You need to know mine. We need to feel connected. To know we aren't alone. So why do we never stop, never take the time to share?
I wonder...Do I know where I am going? Should I be in the passenger seat or do I need to drive to get to the next destination? Where have I come from? Am I driving with a purpose or just enjoying the scenery to a road unknown?
I I look at the sky stretched across a looming canvas above me in my car. I wonder if God sets his palette out, sits cross legged and paints with specific pride as the sun sets and the moon begins its journey.
I wonder...if He thinks of me as he paints. If He thinks of how He knit me together in my mother's womb and smile. Does He ever paint just for me. Just so I can enjoy Him.
I wonder...does He love me that much?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mommy Merit Badges

I love being a stay at home mom. I love the time I get with my kids and making my home a place that everyone can enjoy. Well, I feel that way on most days. There are days where I longlingly look over the other side of the fence where the grass seems greener. A place where moms are dressed in professional clothing. They look so put together in their cute blouses and skirts and their stylish high heels. What place does that kind of dress up get in my world? It has no practical use for wiping noses, doing dishes, cleaning messes, playing with the kids, and going to the grocery store. I secretly long to be a fashionista, but find that most of my energy, time, and money seems to go to my family's needs. The day will come when I can throw more energy into that area, but for now, I will enjoy my comfy clothes and my excuses for wearing them. As I peer over the other side of the fence, I notice something else. These women are getting credit for the job they do. They are at times given raises and other acknowledgements. Sometimes as a stay at home mom, I need something to remind me of the valuable role that I play. So while I have been daydreaming of greener pastures, I have developed a "Mommy Merit Badge" system. Much like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Moms could earn their badges in various categories. These categories would include, but not be limited to:

The Chuck E Badge: This badge is given to honor those brave mothers who have gone to Chuck E Cheese on a Saturday, any day during the summer, or for a birthday party.

The Nursing Badge: This badge is earned by enduring sleepless nights, cleaning during the stomach flu, bandaging boo-boos, comforting the afflicted, and taking care of everyone else before you come down with the dreaded "bug".

The Terrible Two Badge: This deserves a badge, enough said!

The Soccer Mom Badge: This badge is earned by signing your child up for any sport, then attending games during heat, wind and rain only to hear them whine about having to go to another practice.

The Car Trip Badge: Earned by listening t0 "When do we get there?" 5, 10, 15 25, 40, 50..... minutes into the trip, listening to someone say "Mom, I gotta go!" five minutes after your last stop, and by saying the infamous "Don't make me come back there!"

The "What Have You Been Doing All Day?" Badge: This badged is earned when your husband asks you what you have been doing all day and you stay calm, cool, and collected when answering instead of getting angry. After all, you know you are tired but you can't rteally remember what you did all day either. You just know it was ALOT!

I love the idea of Mommy Merit Badges, but I think I would trade all of them for a day at the spa! :)

Please comment and tell me what merit badge you think you should get!